
HN Artisan, Inc. holds the copyright to all work featured on this web site. All content on this Site, Including, but not limited to images, text, audio and video clips, electronic and digital files and reproductions are owned or licensed by HN Artisan, Inc. and Heather Neill and are fully protected by the US and International Copyright laws.
The content, including images and text are NOT in the public domain. You may not copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute the content in any way. Use of the content (either for personal or commercial use) on any other Web Site or in any other networked computer environment, or on any other electronic means, is also prohibited without the express written permission of Heather Neill or a legal representative of HN Artisan, Inc.
Merchandise and artwork sold through this Site is  intended for private use and display only. Your purchase of any merchandise or artwork does not give you permission to use them except for private display purposes. Reproduction, publishing, posting, broadcasting, transmitting or distribution of any merchandise, artwork, content or text on this Site in any commercial or editorial manner is strictly prohibited.

HN Artisan, Inc. Copyright 2000-2021     All rights reserved.

Heather Neill and HN Artisan, Inc. are not responsible for the content and/or material derived from or obtained through any sites that may be linked to this Site. These links are provided for your convenience only and  you access them at  your own risk.