Calling all mystery lovers…

All you who read, write and love to listen to finely crafted and cleverly plotted mysteries…

Most of you wonderful readers of this blog know that I listen to audiobooks while painting…and most of them are mystery novels…and my most favorite writer of those novels is…Laurie R. King. But what you don’t know…yet…is that the diabolical diva Herself wrote to me this summer with a fabulously fun and witty request.

Every year there is a gathering of the most famous and successful mystery writers of our time which is called the Boucheron. This year it is being held in San Francisco and the literary guest of honor is… LRK !

Boucheron By The Bay will take place this October 14 – 17 and, since she is to be the queen for those days, she and her publishers are sponsoring the “Coffee and Tea” table at the host hotel. So…she gets this idea…(may I humbly say a brilliant one)… that it might be fun to have a backdrop to the table… and somehow remembers that I have this Teacup Series thing going on…and one email led to another and …poof !!!    This is what will be on the banner hanging over the sippers’ silver services…

My excitement is exceeded only by my gratitude for her generous offer to play along with the gang. It looks like a wild and crazy weekend of literary fun is promised out there and I hope if any of you who read this are planning to attend that you’ll raise a cup along with us to the Honoree !

And the rest of us can at least share in the flavor and find a comfy chair, a good mystery, and pour ourselves a steaming cuppa….intrigue.

Ta L.

PS – you can order your very own print of this painting for your coffee and tea tables …here.